Lunes 27 de julio. 18.00 horas.

Salud pública fortalecida: UNA SALUD. Humana + animal + ambiental

Exponen: Médico Veterinario Leopoldo Estol, Dr. Edmundo Larrieu, Médica Veterinaria Marina Harteneck, Médica Veterinaria Maureen Birmingham.

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WHO has published an interim guidance on Considerations for implementing mass treatment, active case‐ finding and population-based surveys for neglected tropical diseases in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The document proposes a two-step approach: a risk–benefit assessment, to decide if the planned neglected tropical diseases activity should proceed, and a review of a list of precautionary measures, to decide how the planned activity should be implemented.

Publicado en OMS/OPS/CDC
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The WHO Regional Office for Europe urges Turkmenistan to activate critical measures to prepare for COVID-19 outbreaks. To date, Turkmenistan has not reported any confirmed COVID-19 cases to WHO, however, the country has recently activated measures to prevent the transmission of respiratory infections within communities.

Publicado en OMS/OPS/CDC
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