Viernes 31 de julio. 18.00 horas

Mindfulness: Atención plena en el cuidado personal y profesional.

Recursos para cultivar bienestar en tiempos difíciles.

Actividad realizada conjuntamente con Congéneros y Psicólogos Autoconvocados.

Expone: Lic. Marina Lisenberg

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The fourth meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding COVID-19 was convened by the WHO Director-General on 31 July 2020. The Director-General declared that the outbreak of COVID-19 continues to constitute a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). The recommendations from the Emergency Committee highlight the need for response effortsto continue over the long term.

Publicado en OMS/OPS/CDC
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WHO has published a COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Progress Report. The report highlights the progress made from 1 February to 30 June 2020 under the three objectives outlined in the Strategic Response and Reparedness Plan: scaling up international coordination and support, scaling up country preparedness and response by pillar and accelerating research and innovation. The report also discusses some of the key challenges faced, and provides an update on the resource requirements for the next phase of WHO’s response.

Publicado en OMS/OPS/CDC
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