As the pandemic deepens economic and social stress, the risk of gender-based violence intensifies, with serious consequences for mental health of those at risk. WHO Regional Director for the Americas, Dr Carissa F. Etienne emphasized the need for integrating psychosocial support and mental health services as part of the COVID19 response.

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Lunes 20 de julio. 18.00 horas.

Uso de plasma de convalencientes para Covid19.

Expone: Dr. Waldo Belloso.

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In his regular media briefing,WHO Director-General Dr Tedros reiterated the importance of contact tracing in all communities affected by COVID-19, stating that “No country can get control of its epidemic if it doesn’t know where the virus is”.

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Martes 21 de julio. 18.00 horas.

El control del brote de Sarampión durante la pandemia de Covid19

Exponen: Dra. Analía Mykietiuk, Dr. Ricardo Rüttimann, Dra. Gabriela Elbert.

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