75 countries have submitted expressions of interest to protect their populations and those of other nations through joining the COVAX Facility, a mechanism designed to guarantee rapid, fair and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines worldwide. The goal of COVAX is to deliver two billion doses of safe, effective vaccines that have passed regulatory approval and/or WHO prequalification.

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WHO Director-General Dr Tedros joined the leaders of Spain to pay tribute to those who lost their lives to COVID-19, and stated that “Spain has shown that with political leadership and action, backed by community support, COVID-19 can be controlled, no matter at what stage virus transmission is at in a country”.

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Viernes 17 de julio. 18.00 horas.

Recursos psicológicos para desarrollar el bienestar en profesionales de la salud durante la pandemia.

Realizado con la colaboración de Congéneros y Psicólogos Autoconvocados.

Expone: Fernando García. Dr. En Psicología.

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