WHO Director-General Dr Tedros acknowledged how civil society has played a critical role in responding to this pandemic by highlighting the needs of the most vulnerable, fighting for an equitable response, and holding decision-makers to account, in his address to a webinar on “civil society engagement in COVID-19 response at national and local levels”, organised by WHO’s Health Partnerships department.

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Sábado, 11 Julio 2020 14:00

Webinar - Impacto de Covid19 en Gran Bretaña

Sábado 11 de julio. 14.00 horas.

Webinar - Impacto de Covid19 en Gran Bretaña.

Exponen: Dr. Omar Sued, Dra. Romina Quercia y Dr. Gustavo Lopardo.

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El total de casos confirmados en Argentina es de 94.060 (49,4% mujeres y 50,6% hombres). 1.078 (1,1%) son importados, 31.739 (33,7%) son contactos estrechos de casos confirmados, 45.328 (48,2%) son casos de circulación comunitaria y el resto se encuentra en investigación epidemiológica. Desde el último reporte emitido, se registraron 13 nuevas muertes.


No fue emitido.

Publicado en Ministerio de Salud
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Last Thursday WHO Director-General Dr Tedrosannounced the establishment of the Independent panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response (IPPR)to evaluate the world’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “This is a time for self-reflection, to look at the world we live in and to find ways to strengthen our collaboration as we work together to save lives and bring this pandemic under control” said Dr Tedros.

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