As the region of the Americas reports 100,000 cases of COVID-19 a day, the Director of the WHO Regional Office of the Americas, Dr Carissa F. Etienne, has called for strong coordination across countries, evidence to guide leaders’ actions and for people to protect themselves and others.

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The Regional Office for the Americas has been holding webinars on a range of issues in relation to COVID-19. Tomorrow, they will hold a webinar focusing on‘Caring for the Carers: Managing your Mental Health While Caring for Others’.

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Viernes 10 de julio. 19.00 horas.

Webinar - Manejo de Covid19 en Australia. Perspectiva de salud pública.

Exponen: Dr. Craig Dalton / Dr. Allen Cheng.

Moderan: Dr. Nick Walsh / Dr. Omar Sued.

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