It has never been clearer that communication is an important public health intervention that contributes to controlling pandemics. The WHO Regional Office for Europe discusses this and the risks of an “infodemic” – an overabundance of information, some of which can be misleading or even harmful. WHO launched the first Infodemiology conference on 29 June, which includes talks with experts on how the infodemic affects the world and reflections on how it can be managed. 

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Miércoles 1 de julio. 18 horas.

Webinar - Otros brotes durante el Covid-19 - Triquinosis en Santa Fe.

Expone: Dra. Carlota López. Dra. Fernanda Ferrer. Dr. Mariano Ottonelli.

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WHO Director-General Dr Tedros has emphasized the importance of taking a comprehensive approach to responding to the pandemic -- “Not testing alone. Not physical distancing alone. Not contact tracing alone. Not masks alone. Do it all”, he said during yesterday’s regular media briefing.

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